
Maputo, the Creative City

The programme for this second edition of Maputo Fast Forward unfolded under the motto « Maputo creative city », intending to be the embryo of a model of decentralised and networked cultural intervention capable of not only stimulating the development of partnerships and creative sharing, but also of giving the city a leading role and visibility that would eventually place it on the map of the continent and the world as a creative city.

The main objective of the second edition of the MFF was to materialise the strategic principles that constitute the raison d’être of the MFF project:

Stimulate creativity and innovation in all areas (art, culture, technology, design, architecture, etc.) develop training actions in order to institute in Mozambique a true cultural and creative ecosystem encourage the development of collaborative networks between the various cultural and creative agents with a view to boosting the “creative industries” sector.


Socks house dinner