The first MFF Research Call is now closed.

In a globalized world marked by an accelerated transformation and facing multiple challenges its critical to engage on in-depth research on multiple fronts that can help the development of critical thinking and the formulation of innovative proposals to address major contemporary issues.

These is done through seminars and ateliers – following a previous yearly definition of main areas of research – that would bring together not only Mozambique scholars and thinkers but international participants.

Call for research projects

1st Edition 2024

Maputo Fast Forward (MFF) is creating an interdisciplinary knowledge centre. MFF has always defined itself as a multidisciplinary platform that aims to develop creativity and innovation in different fields, encourage collaboration between these different fields, produce knowledge in different formats and increase international networks and partnerships with players not only from other African countries, but also from other continents.

The production of their own knowledge, based on endogenous African experiences, will enable Mozambicans and Africans to speak for themselves, without anything theoretical or methodological being imposed on them from outside. It is by offering spaces for reflection and the construction of thoughts and tools on scientific and popular knowledge that this call for proposals seeks to create the foundations to support the production of knowledge.

The Maputo Fast Forward Academy is divided into two interconnected branches: research and residencies. The MFF Academy publishes this CALL FOR RESEARCH and invites researchers (scientists and/or artists and/or technologist*), whether or not they are linked to public or private higher education and/or research institutions, individually or collectively, located on national territory, to submit research proposals according to the terms set out in this document.

*In computer science: systems analysis, data science, software and application development, games, digital product management and data processing, and beyond.



This call for research will support the implementation of research projects on the following themes:

➜Natural disasters and the environment;

➜Local economy and local (dis)involvement;

➜Social conflicts;



➜Technological innovation.

When research is conducted with the support of this funding, it must constantly seek to be in dialogue with the theme of the Maputo Fast Forward Biennale – MFF, 2024, which is PASSWORLD, which is inspired by the creative concept “BRIDGES TO THE FUTURE”. This thematic approach focuses on the imperative of seeking alternative narratives and building bridges rather than barriers as a fundamental act for a more inclusive and collaborative future, driven by the exchange of knowledge and experiences.


Aims / objectives

➜Contribute to improving technical-scientific and popular knowledge;

➜Contribute to increasing the technical and scientific production of researchers (scientists and/or artists and/or technologists) and other knowledge-holders;

➜Encourage the integration and strengthening of research groups on scientific and popular knowledge;

➜Encourage the consolidation of national researchers;

➜Encourage interdisciplinary research projects;

➜Encourage national and international institutional exchanges.


Budget available

The financial resources available for each research project funded will be a maximum of 125,000.00 meticais per award cycle.


Expected results

At the end of the 6 months, the researcher (scientists and/or artists and/or technologists) must produce a format for presentation at the MFF 2024 Festival, i.e. the result of their research must be presented at the MFF 2024 Biennial.

As the research results involve multidisciplinary fields, scientists, artists and technologists, they can be presented in a variety of ways: interdisciplinary scientific article, artistic exhibition or performance, documentary video / video art, interdisciplinary colloquia and symposia, session at the festival’s international conference, exhibition of prototypes and artefacts, applications or interactive tools, etc.


Timeframe and amounts

➜The period of execution of the project will be 6 (six) months.

➜The research grant will be paid in two to three installments, depending of the field needs, the last of which will be paid once the results of the research have been presented at the MFF 2024 festival.




Launch of the call for proposals

  12 February 2024
Call for applications for research funding  Until 01 March 2024
Project analysis and selection processUntil 14 March 2024
Announcement of preliminary results  15 March 2024
Request for reconsideration  16 to 19 March 2024
Announcement of final results  22 March 2024
Research development  From April to September 2024
Presentation of research results  October 2024

Clarifications or request for reconsideration of results

➜A request for reconsideration of the result may be made by the candidate within a maximum of 2 (two) working days from the date of publication of the preliminary result of the selection procedure.

➜The request for reconsideration must be duly signed by the candidate and addressed to the Academy’s Knowledge Commission. The request for reconsideration must strictly state the reason for the rejection and must not include any new facts not previously analysed.

➜Requests for reconsideration and clarification should be sent to the following e-mail address:


Analysis and evaluation of the proposal

The Academy is responsible for setting up the selection panel;

It will be up to the Academy to establish the evaluation criteria for the research proposals;

During the selection process, programmes must take into account the following aspects:

➜Satisfaction of the applicant’s requirements at the selection date;

➜The adequacy of the documentation submitted by the applicant to the requirements of this notice;

➜A qualification attesting to academic performance and scientific potential for the development of research or the acquisition of exceptional knowledge will be an advantage ;

➜Relevance of the research plan and feasibility within the planned timetable, methodology and resources.


Application conditions

Fill in the application form (Link)

Documents to upload:

➜CV of the research team / working group

➜Letter of motivation (200 words maximum)

➜Planned activities (described in detail)






