Digital art project “recovers” abandoned buildings

The Wild Within is a series of digital artworks that bring new life to abandoned buildings from a bygone era. Based on real-world physical spaces, an animated rebirth has been created in a digital realm.

Photographer Ryan Koopmans and digital artist Alice Wexell visited different locations around the world over several years, exploring ruins and photographing structures that had undergone dramatic transitions.

On their return, they digitally introduced vegetation, modified the structure and lighting and animated the scenes in order to revive the empty spaces, essentially bringing the environments back to life.

The results are a surreal collision between the past and the future, natural and artificial, physical and digital, and the real and the imaginary. 

The aim of the artwork is to create a sense of surreal tranquillity, while at the same time referencing themes from the history of architecture and its intricate relationship with the natural world.

Many of the buildings depicted in The Wild Within have been demolished in recent years, further emphasising the theme of the passage of time in the cycle of growth and decay.

The first minting of The Wild Within took place on 24 March 2021, focusing on the Georgian city of Tskaltubo.

This began the genesis chapter of a project that has been widely celebrated, exhibited and acquired by some of the world’s leading digital art collectors.

Explore the works here

Article by

Júlio Magalo

March 25, 2024

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